August 1, 2022

Backyard Ultras, the new marathon.

The stare that says ‘one more lap!’..

This Friday I’m taking on my sixth backyard ultra, the race with no end, runner against themselves in the truest test of mental and physical strength.

The concept of Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra is simple: Runners have an hour to complete a 4.167-mile loop at the race organizer’s home. Then they do it again, and again, and again—breaking for food and rest only in the spare time before they start the next loop. Hundreds of miles and a whole lot of pain later, the last competitor still running wins

Backyard Ultras are so popular and becoming more so daily. Just check out the home website for all the possible locations to run one The list is growing so quickly.  For those who are new to the concept read this article , you’ll get the idea.

I’m running Birdys backyard Ultra this week for the third time.  ( ) and this was my introduction to the event in 2020. That year I was allowed to run 24 hours and then had to leave and get home to look after the kids as no1 Wife was going out. Halfway through the event my Wife rang and let me know I could carry on but I had 24 laps set in my mind at that point and so focused on that goal. A pity because I finished lap 24 sub forty minutes and felt fantastic,  with so much more left in the tank. I wonder whether that was because I knew I was finishing after working very hard getting through the night or I just left way too early. Either way it sums up what this race is about, it’s so much more mental than most running races, in these events a mentally storing runner will normally out last a more physically prepared runner but one who is mentally weaker.  You don’t find that in most races but because this race has no set end time, it continues until there is one runner left, its a mental as well as a physical battle. After all you only have to run 6.7km (4.1miles) in an hour,  that’s about 8min/k pace average, a slow jog really.

Mission accomplished. 24 laps done and dusted. Birdy’s 2020.

In 2021 I was preparing for the Delirious West 200 miler in October and , at that time, had never completed a 200 miler. ( ) I wasn’t prepared to risk myself at Birdy’s and as such set a goal of a top ten finish, I achieved this on lap 28 albeit truth be told the course was far more difficult than the pervious year due to a course change due to excessive rainfall the weeks preceding the race.  This made the course harder and thus recovery time was limited , every time you sat down the two minute warning seemed to start, fatigue built up over time and I was getting closer and closer to missing cut off. The course change made a huge difference as they had taken out the best running bits of the old course and added more technical single trail with mud. Over time the mud just sucked the life out of you.


Saturday morning and it’s still fecking cold 2021.

As well as Birdy’s backyard Ultra I have ran Herdy’s Frontyard ultra twice ( ) and the inaugural South Australian version , Hysterical Carnage.  ( )  I’ve managed assists in both of these races, the last runner bar the winner, beaten both times by Australia’s premier backyard ultra runner Phil ‘one more lap‘ Gore.  As I said earlier I love the format, it really is you against yourself where you can see how far you are prepared to go albeit everybody bar Phil of course because he always wins.


Last few runners , probably around lap 30.

This year I’m taking on the four backyard ultra offered by the Ultra Series, (  ) adding No time to die ( ) to Hysterical, Birdys and Herdy’s. I’ve already ran Herdy’s in March this year  finishing in the top 10 timing out at 35 hours.  This wasn’t the result I was hoping for and I never felt great during the event and this was probably explained by a positive COVID result a few days post event. Well that’s what I’m putting it down to, we’ll find out on Friday I suppose.

So what makes me so passionate about this format.? I’m not going to sugar coat the event , it hurts and I mean it really hurts. Each runner needs to decide how much pain they are willing to put up with. Very few runners actually time out, very few. In my previous five races I’ve only timed out once. The other four times I had a valid reason to pull the pin before taking on another lap. Were they valid reasons though ? My Wife had given me a carry on card the first time I ran Birdy’s but I decided to stick to the original plan. For my next race at Herdy’s I did run 47 laps and must admit although I didn’t time out I was mentally done, albeit I was still lapping in the low fifty minutes so probably had a few more laps in me? For Hysterical Carnage in November last year I got to 37 laps with just me and Phil feeling relatively good but had my daughter with me and the plan was to spend some time in Adelaide with her. When you are left with Phil you either pull the pin early an get an assist or run for ten hours extra or longer and get an assist, the end result is the same.  Remember a backyard ultra in Australia is everyone runs until there is one runner left and then Phil runs one more lap and wins.   This year at Herdy’s I did time out on lap 35 but looking back could I have made the cut off, typing this months later yep, at three in the morning after running for over thirty five hours , no.  That sums it up, before the event and after it you will second guess yourselves , asking yourself did you give your all ? That is what makes the event so special, it gives you the opportunity but it so difficult to take it, few do.

The image below shows Adam and I early on at Herdy’s this year, it was so humid and we were both absolutely buggered, as I said this format gives you the opportunity to really push yourself to places other races won’t allow you to go. It was brutal this year albeit I still citing COVID as the reason I pulled the pin earlier than planned.  As I mentioned earlier in this post everybody has a good reason why they didn’t win,  bar Phil Gore being unbeatable.

Sometimes backing up from a 200 miler isn’t such a good idea after all. Adam and I absolutely buggered.

I’ve added an article Ryne Anderson, CTS Ultrarunning Expert Coach, below, worth a read..

How a Backyard Ultra Can Boost Your Ultramarathon Training

Backyard Ultra Events exploded in popularity over the last few years thanks, in part, to their straightforward setup. The objective is to complete successive 4.167-mile loops, each in under one hour, for as long as you can. A little more than 4 miles in an hour sounds easy, and for the first few hours it is. Many hours later, it’s not so easy. Backyard Ultras are not only great challenges themselves, but they can also help runners solve failure points that plague them in start-to-finish races.

Backyard Ultras are “last person running” events, rather than a set start-to-finish distance (100 miles) or duration (24 hours). If you do not complete the loop and make it back to the finish line/starting corral by the top of the hour, your day(s) is finished. The repetitive nature of the laps encourages rote execution, the same process over and over. This creates a very controlled environment (or as controlled as you’re going to get in an ultra) that allows runners to find their limits and reach new distance milestones. Is every runner going to eventually run 354 miles over the course of 85 hours like Harvey Lewis’s record-breaking performance at Big’s Backyard Ultra in October? Probably not, but a runner can use the simple setup of a Backyard Ultra to solve failure points that have troubled them in past races and have a breakthrough performance.


An effective crew can streamline time spent at aid stations, keep the runner mentally engaged, and solve problems before an issue derails your race. The beauty of a Backyard Ultra is that the runner sees their crew every hour. Backyard Ultras have basic aid station fare available to everyone, but each runner is allowed their own personal aid station tent. Within that area, the runner can have anything and everything they want. You can have a cot and sleeping bag for a quick nap, a camp stove to cook your favorite food, a wardrobe of extra shoes and clothes, and all your preferred nutrition and hydration products.

Four miles between aid stations and a set time to leave and get back out on course is the most accessible aid station setup of any ultrarunning event. There is no overthinking and overpacking drop bags that are scattered across successive aid stations on the course. Your crew is not frantically navigating sketchy forest roads and stressfully racing to the next aid station. The “hurry up and wait” mentality is replaced with “relax and wait.” The crew has more than enough time to prepare the aid station for the runner’s return. This encourages a stress-free environment to consume calories and address problems. You have time to make gear and clothing changes when necessary, and prepare optimally for the next lap.

backyard ultra


Testing Nutrition and Hydration

Nausea and/or vomiting was cited as the second highest problem for finishers and the highest problem for non-finishers in Marty Hoffman and Kevin Fogard’s 2009 study that explored the issues that affected runners at the 2009 Western States and Vermont 100-mile races . Multiple factors contribute to stomach issues to stomach issues during an ultra. Among those are inadequate training, poor pacing during high temperatures, failure to stick to a plan, and not properly hydrating.

In a typical ultra, runners map out their nutrition and hydration plan before the race or set a reminder on their watch to remind them to eat and drink. Sometimes, however, a runner miscalculates the time between aid stations and runs out of food and water. Maybe the day was hotter than expected and the runner should have carried a third bottle. Or the runner simply lost their sense of time and frequency for how much they should eat and drink. Race at high elevation also affect some runners’ ability to consume calories.

Backyard Ultras reduce the guesswork of estimating time between aid stations and tracking energy and fluid consumption. Although the weather will change throughout the day and night, temperature should ebb and flow within reasonably predictable range because you’re staying within such a small geographical area.

Nutrition Goals

Nutrition goals can be as simple as eating a sports nutrition product on each loop, drinking one bottle of water, and eating some type of real food upon returning to the aid station. The crew member can easily keep track of how many calories the runner has consumed, what food options are working, and adjust hydration and electrolyte goals as the temperature changes throughout the day and night. For runners who successfully execute nutrition and hydration plans for 50k events but struggle beyond the 6- to 8-hour timeframe, the simplicity and standardization of a Backyard Ultra can be great for testing out different strategies.

backyard ultra


“I went out too fast,” is a common talking point in reviewing any ultrarunning performance. It’s completely understandable to go out too fast due to the palpable energy at the start line and feeling fresh a few weeks of tapering. But going out too hot can come back to bite you. You gain little to no advantage in “racing” each loop at a Backyard Ultra.

There is some strategy involved, at times. For instance, a faster loop means returning to your aid station with a little extra time to take a quick nap or make a gear change. But runners are generally better served by keeping their pacing steady throughout. Keep in mind, runners may have different goals, too. Some may be out to complete a personally relevant distance and then stop. Other runners are competing and attempting to be the runner standing.

A Backyard Ultra is not the format to chase a time PR at a certain distance. There is little utility in completing a loop in 40 minutes versus 55 minutes. Steady pacing encourages consistent energy expenditure and fueling habits.


Between spectators, crews, and fellow runners, you will not be alone during a Backyard Ultra. In a standard ultra, runners spread out and may run solo for hours. Running by yourself can be advantageous because you’re likely to stick to your own personal race strategy. It can also be a hindrance if you lose focus, struggle with negative thoughts, and subsequently slow down. Running with company may lower perceived exertion, provide access to more encouragement, and create a memorable race experience.

Runners also develop a strong bond with one another throughout a Backyard Ultra. There is a competitive element, in that they want to be the last one standing, but there’s also camaraderie that leads runners to push and support one another. Harvey Lewis, Chris Roberts, and Terumichi Morishita would no doubt credit each other in each runner’s ability to crest the 72-hour mark and go beyond 300 miles at Big’s Backyard Ultra.

Put It Altogether

The simple and standardized nature of Backyard Ultras allows every runner to fine tune critical ultrarunning skills. A Backyard Ultra may not be your idea of an A-race, but you can use a Backyard Ultra to better learn about yourself as a runner, solve and correct issues that have plagued you in past races, and reach distances that have previously eluded you.


Hoffman MD, Fogard K. Factors related to successful completion of a 161-km ultramarathon. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2011 Mar;6(1):25-37. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.6.1.25. PMID: 21487147.

What is humanly possible at a backyard ultra , how far can the boundaries be pushed ?  This format is relatively new and as such the record for the most number of laps is growing almost monthly. As of today, August 2022,  the record is 85 laps.

The most laps completed in a backyard ultramarathon is 85, achieved by Harvey Lewis (USA) at Big’s Backyard Ultra in Bell Buckle, Tennessee, USA, on 16 –19 October 2021. Backyard ultramarathons challenge competitors to complete a run of 4.167 miles (100 miles divided by 24) every hour until only one runner remains. Harvey Lewis won the 2021 Big’s Backyard Ultra after completing 85 “yards” – a total distance of 354.16 miles (569 kilometres). The race began at 7 a.m. on Saturday morning and finished at 9 p.m. on the Tuesday, with competitors running a trail by day and road at night. Lewis bested the previous backyard ultra record of 81, set by John Stocker at the 2021 Suffolk Backyard Ultra.

If you believe David Goggins  ( ) we only ever tap into about 40% of our potential, there’s another 60% available but only a few can get access to it. This event certainly gives you the opportunity to find your extra 60% . The record stands at 85 laps and I’m calling it here , it will be over a 100 hours  by 2024, the only limiting factor will eventually be sleep.  Mental and physical conditioning will get you there but you need sleep, without sleep of course you fail or die; whichever comes first. At the moment this type of event is on the outer of  the running world, mention a backyard ultra to most non-runners around the drink fountain and most have no idea what you are talking about. A marathon is well ingrained in the non runners vocabulary and these days and even ultra marathons adventures are met with a knowing sigh and roll of the eyes by non-runners , no longer the kudos of days gone past.  Backyard ultras will gain traction around the water fountain in time but for the moment they are seen as quirky and hard to relate to, this will change but most ‘proper runners’ concentrate on the more traditional distances, for the moment.

I wonder if Goggins would ever stop..ever, at a backyard ultra  ?

So will backyard ultras become the new marathon ? Not in the short term but they are a unique way to run a race and every hour , on the hour, you’re at the front of the pack, leading the race albeit briefly. The camaraderie of the event is special and unique where you see your fellow competitors hourly rather than for a brief ‘g’day’ at the start and then that’s it until the finish. Add in the down time when you can actually sit down and eat and you have the recipe for a great event.  They will become more and more popular , similar to the park run sensation sweeping the world currently. It’s a more relaxed way to race and takes away some of the time pressure, it really is you against yourself. This is why I think the concept will take off.


For a race report on my first attempt at Herdys’ follow this link on the backyard ultra webpage


Camaraderie, summed up in this image, pre-Lap1. Birdy’s 2021.


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